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What is birth photography?

Birth photography is a form of photography that captures the moments of labor, delivery, and postpartum. It is an intimate and powerful art form that documents the rawest and most honest moments of childbirth.


Birth photography is often misunderstood, with people imagining only the graphic aspects or feeling that birth is too personal to have someone in there who is not a loved one. However, birth photo sessions are so much more than the actual photos from the moment of physical birth. In fact, no graphic needs to be featured; it’s all about capturing the small details and emotions, such as the pained expressions, laughter between contractions, emotional text messages received, supportive partner, shoulder massages, holding hands and leaning on each other for support

What is the best time to book photoshoot?
As soon as you decided to have one! It can vary between first ultrasound and last weeks of your pregnancy.
My approach
I shoot with professional grade cameras and lenses capable of handling the technical challenges of the birth environment. I'm confident in my ability to document your unique birth story without getting in your, or the rest of your birth team's, way. I currently work with birthing mothers across South Iceland, in Selfoss area and Reykjavik. Hospitals, homebirths and birthing centers. 
My work flow
We set up meeting, talk over your birth plan, place and wishes. 
I tell you about my side, how it works, when I am coming and how long I stay.

I send you a contract. 
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